Method for plotting DLMMs for model summary of class 'tdlmm'. Includes plots for marginal exposure effects as well as interactions between two exposures.
- x
an object of type 'summary.tdlmm' from summary.tdlmm() output
- type
plot type, 'marginal' (default)
- exposure1
exposure for plotting DLM
- exposure2
exposure paired with 'exposure1' for plotting interaction
- time1
plot a cross section from an interaction plot at specific time for 'exposure1'
- time2
plot a cross section from an interaction plot at specific time for 'exposure2'
indicate location of critical windows in interaction plot with red points
- cw.plots.only
show only plots with critical windows
- trueDLM
A vector of true effects that can be obtained from the simulated data. Only applicable for simulation studies
- scale
default = NULL, if scale is not NULL, the effects are exponentiated
- ...
additional plotting parameters for title and labels